No-Tell Cheese Dip (gluten free)

No-Tell Cheese Dip

A favorite on game day is a steaming crock of processed cheese dip. Okay, okay, I can admit that a certain velvety cheese, the one that can be stored at room temperature as long as a twinkie, melts easily into something that is yummy on nachos. It also has some magic property that keeps it from curdling when you add tomatoes and chopped chilis. (Is that what is inside a Stretch Armstrong?)

In the interest of sodium reduction, I made a similar dip to the famous favorite that is quick and easy. Sharp cheddar cheese contrasts with tangy tomatoes and chilis. Ready in minutes, it pairs perfectly with corn tortilla chips. If you make too much, you can use it for Mini Pizzas.

2 cups plain yogurt
2 tbsp corn starch
1 lb sharp cheddar, shredded
1 can tomatoes with green chilis, drained. (Or fresh, chopped tomatoes and chilis if you have them on hand.)
Salt to taste, optional. We did not use any and it tasted fine.

In a sauce pan, heat up the yogurt and starch to just below boiling. Reduce the heat and add the cheese, stirring until it melts. (Be careful not to bring the sauce to a boil.) Gently stir in the chopped tomatoes and chilis.

If you like, add a little heat with chopped  jalapenos. Be careful with prepared hot sauces, however, as they typically contain a lot of vinegar and may curdle your dip.


I shared this recipe with the Weekend Whatever, and Fight Back Friday,  collections of natural recipes submitted by foodies around the net.


  1. This sounds really good! I never heard of using yogurt to help get that creamy texture! Enjoy!


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